What Is a Project? Redefining Creativity in Action
Picture this: You’re sitting at your desk, brimming with excitement about your latest creative idea. You dive in headfirst, ready to bring your vision to life. But within minutes, you’re overwhelmed, unsure of where to start or how to proceed. Sound familiar? Many creatives find themselves trapped in this cycle—bursting with inspiration but quickly becoming […]
Intention Design: What it is and Why it’s Vital for Creatives
If you are serious about building a life focused on creating meaningful and innovative work, then you must understand that conventional approaches to productivity designed for non-creative work will not be effective. Creative productivity requires a different approach that promotes a balance between open-ended results and agile movement in an intentional direction. This article will […]
Want to supercharge your creative growth? Stop setting goals.
Uncertainty is where things happen. It is where the opportunities — for success, for happiness, for really living — are waiting. – Oliver Burkemen Do a quick reflection exercise with […]